The Lights are On in the White House, but Nobody is Home

July 8th, 2024

For the last three years, I have been asking myself the same basic question: “Why isn’t Trump in jail?” He concocted a political pressure campaign of baseless lies and outright illegality, culminating in a mob storming the Capitol Building in order to overturn the results of a free and fair election. (Yes, that actually happened.) In the aftermath of what I felt was the most embarrassing spectacle I have ever witnessed befall our country, a hastily-organized impeachment trial was conducted, but the former President’s term was only days from ending, and the argument that impeachment was unnecessary and/or inappropriate won out. Nothing happened.

I’ve had my theories for the insulting and inexcusable delay in bringing forth a criminal prosecution since then. Some had to do with Joe Biden’s desire to avoid the appearance of political retribution, others about Merrick Garland’s intransigence. Only recently did I start to question Joe Biden’s overall mental and physical resilience for such an undertaking. But when it became clear that no trial would take place before the 2024 election, I settled on my current, cynical explanation: the Democrats wanted to hold our democracy hostage as an election pitch. “Vote for us, or else he comes back.” “Democracy is on the line.”

Well, after watching the last debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, I have some very strong reservations about both this strategy and Joe Biden’s ability to serve another four years as President. Firstly, if democracy really was on the line – you think you’d put out a better candidate. We need to be honest with ourselves – forget debating who the better candidate is – Joe Biden is not fit to serve now. Furthermore, by pushing Joe Biden as a viable candidate, Democrats are in effect saying the opposite – there is no democracy, because this man is obviously not leading the country.

The “debate” was a humiliating disaster, eclipsed only in my eyes by the greatest stain on our nation’s honor and prestige, that being the events of January 6th. But the Democrat spin-job is only making matters worse. With bold-faced lying reminiscent of the Trump era, we are told it was a “bad night,” he had a “cold.” You’re damn right he has a cold – I saw his brain freeze up trying to finish his sentence in front of the whole world.

Defeating Trump was Joe Biden’s biggest accomplishment, even if Trump still hasn’t been forced to concede that under oath in the confines of a courtroom. Now, not holding Trump accountable is his biggest failure and may very well be the reason he loses in November. And for those saying that it’s not Joe Biden we’re voting for, it’s his administration, if that were the case, he can’t take credit for anything that has happened during his time in office. Put someone else in to lead his administration who is not mentally compromised, because if I was the GOP or one of our foreign adversaries, I would definitely want Joe Biden running in 2024.

I don’t think I can vote for either one of these candidates. And as hard for me as it is to say this, maybe it’s time to start asking: if a political system can only present a choice between the lesser of two evils, maybe the system is “evil” and isn’t even a democracy to begin with.

Jeremy Sarnecky